Glass Butt Plug

Glass butt plugs feel considerably different than anything else you would stick in your butt. The heavy weight, initial chill, unforgiving structure and seamless glide combine to create one of the most unique and highly erotic, exotic styles of anal toys ever created. Shop all sizes from small to large, shapes ideal for the male prostate and orgasmic enhancement for women too.

Buy Glass Butt Plugs to Experience the WOW Factor!
Glass butt plugs feel amazing. There is less friction with a glass anal plug than any other material so it’s easy to insert into the anus. They are non-porous and easily sanitized, in fact, glass anal toys are a completely hypoallergenic option that can be fully sterilized. It’s the best choice for germophobes and those with sensitive skin or allergies to other commonly used materials. Once you use a glass butt plug, you’ll be hooked!
The solid surface of small and large glass anal dildos has a neat poke too, so if you enjoy movement in the butt these twisted or bumpy and curved glass prostate massagers are not to be missed! Some anal dildos have artistic colors and huge swirled shapes that look amazing, not only are they used as sexual pleasure enhancers for men and women, but they are beautiful pieces of art.
Q. Are Glass Butt Plugs Safe?
A. Yes glass butt plugs are safe to use. Contrary to popular belief, they are not thin or weakly built like a window pane. They are heavy duty, solid and resist cracking and shattering and are built exactly like Pyrex dishware. Glass anal plugs, toys and butt dildos will not break or fall apart. In fact, they often last a lifetime and are more durable than any other kind of sex toy.

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